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Free Online Sustainability Course

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My daughter is attending the University of Illinois, so I'm often working my way around the school website. I came across this really interesting online course and decided to sign up for it.

Started reading the online textbook and was fascinated by the immense history of conservation that I wasn't aware of. Really good stuff.


This is what we'll be learning in each of the 8 weeks:

Week 1: Introduction & Population pessimism vs. optimism: Demographics, neo-malthusians and the disappearance of the third world

Week 2: Ecosystems, Extinction & Tragedy of the Commons A theory that threatens to doom us all?

Week 3: Climate Change The climate of the near future: hot, hotter, or hottest?

Week 4: Energy What happens when we reach “Peak Oil” Renewable energy: is there enough to make the switch?

Week 5: Agriculture and Water Can we continue to increase food production - or have we reached the limit of what the land can support?

Week 6: Environmental Economics and Policy Can economists lead the way to sustainability?

Week 7: Measuring sustainability How do we know we're making a difference?

Week 8: Ethics and Culture the long view


The textbook is free and downloadable from the web.

To download a pdf: click here

To download an epub: click here

To check for updates, go here

To learn more about the textbook, go here

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