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Kankakee River Stream Sampling

Event details

ISA Stream Sampling Event


Our very first ISA Stream Team sampling event will take place in the Kankakee River State Park on Sunday, June 7. We will be hosting local youth groups, citizens and members interested in learning more about the incredible biodiversity of this watershed.

The sampling process will include kick seining in Rock Creek, testing for water quality indicators and identification of insects collected.

Our Conservation Station tent will be set up on location for this event.

From 9-10 a.m. we will be accepting registrations and doing some light trash removal on the shoreline. The State Park interpretive center has agreed to take the kids on a Nature Hike as part of the festivities.

When the sampling work is concluded, we'll be grilling hot dogs and burgers for all involved.

We can use some help to set up and supervise on this project.

For more information and updates, please check our website Calendar and Conservation Opportunities forum for more details.

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