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Upper Il. River Basin Set Schedule

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Here is the set schedule that Karen has sent me.                                                                                                                                                                                              Please let me know if you plan to help so I can let Karen know to expect you.


Upper IL Basin Survey Schedule – 2019


Monday, Aug. 5, 2019.  10 am.  DQD-01 - West Bureau Creek:  ES or BE. West of Princeton off Route 6 (1500E Street) upstream of the Railroad Bridge.  Access is along 1500E Street, down gravel/grass lane to water.

Monday, Aug. 5 Afternoon.  DQF-01 – Master’s Fork:  BE. North of Princeton at 2300N Bridge.  Access SW side.    

Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2019.  9 am. DQ-03 - Bureau Creek: BE. Route 6 bridge just west of Princeton.  Access down gravel lane onto sandbar.  Public at bridge.

Tuesday Afternoon. DQ-01 - Bureau Creek: BE.  2050E Bridge south of Princeton.  Grassy fisherman access alongside the bridge, access moderate OR West side in area of construction (might be better).   

Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019. 9 am. DQ-04 - Bureau Creek: BE.  Route 26 west of Hennepin.  Launch under the Interstate180 overpass.  Access steep but short, need winch.  Public Highway Right of Way.   

Wednesday Afternoon. DR-03 - Little Vermilion River. ES or BE. Access private property NW side of North 30th Road Bridge.

Thursday, Aug. 8, 2019. 9 am. DR-14 - Little Vermilion River. BE.  Northeast of Troy Grove at Little Vermilion Nursery, N35 Road.  Drive down lane to back of property,

Thursday Afternoon.  DZS-01 - Covel Creek: ES or BE. Route 23 south of Ottawa, turn east at North 2525 Road to the Ottawa Friendship House.  Launch behind the Friendship House, easy.  Can drive right down to stream. Nice picnic area for lunch.

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