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Gary L

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Posts posted by Gary L

  1. The ISA will never have a "policy" on anything related to fishing or the handling of fish.

    But I am encouraged by the impetus for individual anglers to state their case.


    Let's hear it.


    I was always under the impression that the ISA was for "Catch and Release", like it says on the yellow signs that have been posted along the Fox, Kankakee, DuPage and other rivers in Illinois. I would say that this is somewhat of a Policy. It is Catch and Release not catch photograph and release. It also says that we are trying to create world-class Smallmouth fishing in Illinois.

  2. When fishing with Phil Fiscella you must first be in very good shape and plan on covering a lot of ground and second just get used to the fact that Phil will out fish you. Maybe Norm could match him fish for fish but nobody beats him in stamina. He may be getting older now and slowing down though. If you put Phil in a spot where you have never caught a fish Phil will catch a fish in that spot.

  3. Walk the Shore Line around the Parks areas and fish the grass close to shore. I remember catching a bunch of good size Smallmouths on the Kankakee doing just that with Norm and Phil one high water day.

  4. That was one of my favorite restaurants. The food was good and the service. I wonder what kind of Service station will replace it.


    I won't be coming to Illinois this year as far as I know right now as the Mother-in-law can't travel and someone needs to be here to take care of her. I am sure we can find another place but I sure will miss Baba's. I will miss not seeing my friends and ISA fishing partners also but somethings just can't be helped.

  5. That was some of the best PR work I have seen Norm. I can only imagine what sites he was on that he heard we were not what we say we are. Great work on your part and you are what the ISA is about. Good people doing there part to help the Rivers and Streams of Illinois. Lets face it though you are the God of the Smallmouths in Illinois.

  6. Sometimes wires get crossed and it may have looked like you hadn't paid your dues over those years and now you have so the Bulletin started up again. If you don't get the next issue or any after this and you are paying your membership dues then get in touch with the person in charge and let them know so they can fix the problem. I get the Sun Times delivered down here and they have a section called the Fixer. This would make a nice read for me. Just kidding don't go that far. I hope they have it corrected now and you will get your issues.


    I see Rich is aware of it and since he is part of the Executive Board he will I would think look into it and see what happen.

  7. The Bronzeback Bulletin is a benefit given to members of the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance did you just join or have you been sending in dues money all along. Could be they had a wrong address for you and someone else has been enjoying your issue. I am sure Scott will have an answer on this soon.

  8. One guy who didn't have the authority to state policy on how they were going to handle this gave bad advise. You could have been soured on Simms and told all your friends about the poor Customer Service and they could have lost customers because of this one incident. The management should tell people in all departments to refer the customer to customer service. Sure glad the took good care of you.

  9. I want to know more and being down here I don't hear much. Can you keep me posted on this. That was my favorite river to fish. I posted this on my Ozark Anglers.com site here in Missouri and they are as must interested as I am and suggested that maybe it was chemicals from a meth lab. Several on here have my e-mail so if you would let me know what is happening.

  10. Jonn, What about forage base like minnows, crawfish and other good things for the bass to eat. Have you seen a drop in the forage base or do you think the sustained high water washed them downstream as they were not able to sustain position with the constant high water. They spawn also so it stands to reason they have had a couple bad years too. With this said the Smallies may be very close to the mouth of the river where it empties into a bigger stream. They may venture upstream some but not find a forage base and move back to where they have something to eat.

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