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Posts posted by jude

  1. I took a day off of work yesterday to go play in the creek. Terry put out the call for volunteers to help the DNR sample tribs in the Kishwaukee basin. I thought it would be cool to explore a new area, so I opted for Piscasaw Creek near Poplar Grove. Here are some pics….


    Generator on the boat runs the zapper out front and the aerator for the tub of fish that we net. The netters wade behind the boat and try to get all of the stunned fish and toss them into aerated tub in the boat:



    After a section is complete, we pull over so Karen can identify, measure, and weigh the fish:













    I believe we identified 27 species, including several suckers, several darters, stone cat, shiners, green sunfish, bluegill, rock bass, and of course smallies:






    The star of the day was the American Brook Lamprey (not a parasite like sea lampreys):




    It was hot sweaty work, but a lot of fun working with Karen's crew. The only other volunteer was a guy from the Shedd Aquarium looking for Rainbow Darters and Orange Throated Darters.


    Our last location was a little tough to access:



  2. Hey Eric… since it looks like you're "just a member" now, I want to say thanks for all you've done for the ISA, particularly where you've brought the Bulletin. You and all the other guys put a hell of a lot into this thing, and I and others really appreciate it…..Jude


    You just never invite me.


    Yeah…I know the feeling. I really like that first pic, Terry. I know you've been told a hundred times to keep the sun behind the camera, but this time it looks cool as heck. Now go ahead and try to tell me it was intentional.

  4. Terry, you must have missed the "last weekend" part of my post. Back when spring was in the air and birds were singing. And remember….when some people kayak fish, they spend most of their time in the kayak.


    Ed…"every 20 incher" makes me think you had a pretty good trip to Door County.

  5. Doesn't anyone fish any more? Perhaps we should change the icon at the top left of these forums to something else. I think Tom has to give lessons on how to fly fish in "less than ideal" conditions. Blow the dust off those rods boys!



    There's no dust on my rods, boy. I just don't feel the need to post pictures of every fish I catch. I took a ten hour float last weekend and caught a bunch, all on top with the fly rod. The conditions were way "less than ideal." I only took a picture of this one because it was probably the nicest looking smallie I've ever caught:



    You seem to like fishing from shore in high water. I like wading or floating in low clear water. I like the fly rod. You don't. Potayto. Potahto. Everyone's different.


    Change the icon? Not sure what you're trying to say. Are you trying to say we should limit our conversations to smallmouth fishing only?


    Maybe Tom should give lessons in humility.

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