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A Bonus Find

Mike Flyrodder Miller

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I went to a private pond near where I work. I found out about it through contacts at an industry meeting. The VP gave me his card and said to come by anytime, but call so security didn't chase me off. He warned me no one fishes it but the fish are big. Was he right! In two hours I caught 6 huge, fat 9-10" bluegills, a dozen 1-2# LM Bass. The surprise was the 4 Smallies near an aeration waterfall. They weren't big but a very nice surprise. My little secret honey hole close to work all to myself....who could ask for a nicer find?

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We are all jealous, Mike. Access to a private pond is like gold around here. The few times I have had the chance to fish a private or remotepound or lake, I was amazed how easy it was to catch the fish. I should saw most times. When they turn off they turn off.

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