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Fly rod for sale

Jonn Graham

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I am looking to sell my two piece, 8 weight, Redington CPX. It is a fast action rod that has performed fine for me, but I have my eye on another 8 weight. It retails for $279. I would be willing to let it go for $110 plus whatever it costs to ship it. I also added a smallmouth decal to the reel seat (looks pretty cool). It comes with a sleeve and an aluminnum rod tube. If interested, reply here or email me at grahamj@district87.org

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I'm not interested in the rod you have for sale, but more interested in what you have your eyes on to replace it. I've read that the CPX is a pretty fast rod similar to the Sage TCR and Fenwick HMX. Are you looking for something a little slower?

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I had a chance to cast the Clouser 8 weight rod by TFO on Saturday. It was paired with the new Smallmouth line by Rio. While the Clouser rod is considered a "fast" action rod, it is a little shorter than my CPX, and it just casted like a dream. I was throwing a heavy clouser and it handled it like I was throwing an unweighted Murdich. I kinda fell in love with it. I like the shorter length fly rods for some reason.

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I had a chance to cast the Clouser 8 weight rod by TFO on Saturday. It was paired with the new Smallmouth line by Rio. While the Clouser rod is considered a "fast" action rod, it is a little shorter than my CPX, and it just casted like a dream. I was throwing a heavy clouser and it handled it like I was throwing an unweighted Murdich. I kinda fell in love with it. I like the shorter length fly rods for some reason.

Interesting. I'll have to pick one up and give it a feel the next time I get into a fly shop.

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