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MFC Reels...new

Greg C

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I just found out that Montana Fly is starting to carry reels, now. I know, I know...another reel. Who doesn't make one? Well, these are really interesting to look at. I'm going to try to get a couple to bring to the Central ISA meeting, for December. If they are not available by then, then the January meeting. They are only carrying them in the 4/5 wt, and 5/6 wt sizes, however. Still, many of us use a 6 wt for smallies.


Here's a link... MFC Yellowstone/ Madison


I kinda like the "river rock" pattern.

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Those are nice.. i take it only retailers can get pricing?

Well...sorta. They are new, and not yet avaiable. I did manage to get pricing, but, not the retail price. I was hoping to get one of each style to bring to the Central ISA meeting, and people could get their hands one them, and look them over. I should be able to get some for people, after I get a chance to play with them. I want to make sure they are up to the job. A few of us might have made a purchase that we later regret. I want to make sure they don't have a problem, or two, first. Though, they shouldn't have a problem. They are made by two names, you already know...LOOP, and ORVIS.


NOTE: I will be donating one, or two to the BBB. One of these reels is a fully ported frame, and the other is a full frame. Only two sizes available 3/4 wt, or 5/6 wt. So, it will be 5/6 wt, only. Also, I will look into a price break for ISA members. i.e.- wholesale cost. I will say this for pricing, the fully ported reel is half the cost of the full frame reel.

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