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James C

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  1. well on this past monday i caught my very first smallmouth. WOW!!! thats all i can say. i caught him on the fox, a little ways downstream from the dam in Carpentersville. but havent had much luck at that spot since then and i know there are much better spots to target these monsters.. ive heard farther south like near Geneva is good fishing. but how is S.Elgin? i plan on throwing spinners & buzzbaits, and some other top water like a Zaraspook, but as far as color. not really sure.. should i just stick w/ the whites,blacks & chartreuse colors? and what else is good to use besides the baits i mentioned? ive always gone after Largies for the most part, but after catching that smallie ,thats now my target fish. way too much fun. and also, ive never really fished the fox river all that much. any times i have , have usually been in the dundee/ carpentersville area since im from schaumburg area. im glad i found this site/ forum though .its great & I look forward to contributing .
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