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Great news!


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Tim Holschlag will be selling my "Jude Bug"s at his Smallmouth Angler booth at this weekend's Itasca show!


Here's the story: I ordered his Smallie flyfishing book. After reading how high he is on topwater I figured, "what the heck, maybe he'd like a few of my poppers." After perfecting the tie, (the ones I gave you guys at the NW meeting were not very consistent) I sent a few to Mr. Holschlag.


The other day I got an e-mail from him saying he liked the fly, and asking if I could supply a couple dozen for him to sell at the show this weekend. Not only yes, but h#ll yes!


So PLEASE if you're going to the show, stop by his booth and and buy a couple! Or at least rave about how cool they are! As you can tell, I'm pretty pumped about this. :P

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I must admit, with a thread title of "Great News", I honestly expected to open up and read how you just saved a bunch of money on your car insurance :lol: LMAO...


Seriously though, sounds like a cool deal. Unfortunately, no chance I'll make the show, but do you have a link or picture to see what one of these bugs look like? Good luck with sales, but be careful...I've known a couple guys who started making and selling a local bait like this before. Next thing you know, you sell a few, demand takes off and fishing time becomes non-existant. :o



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That's pretty cool! I just purchased that book from him a couple of weeks ago, I've heard a lot of good things about it.


Anyways, I'll be at the show and will pick up a few. Since we seem to live close to each other they must be good for the Kish.

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Brian: the car insurance commercial that applies here is not the "great news" one, but the "caveman" one. I hate to admit it, but where this 'puter thing is concerned, I'm about as advanced as a caveman. In other words, no links or pictures. If you plan on attending the Blowout, I'll have some there. If you won't be at the Blowout, PM me your address and I'll send you one. That offer goes out to any ISA guys that won't be at the Blowout.


Sean: I caught hundreds of smallies on the Kish with it this summer. Thanks in advance for buying some at the show this weekend!

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what timing. the Jude bug is the fly featured in the newsletter. they will also be available as part of the fly raffle at the blowout. nice going jude.


Jude is going to get a reputation as a fly tier at this rate.


The resume is getting longer and more prestigious every year.

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The Bug really went over great. Showed and gave it to a lot of people and got excellent responses. Holschlag said they sold very well and he'll probably want more for his next show. Skip Morris really liked it, as did Dennis Potter, who was VERY encouraging.

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The Bug really went over great. Showed and gave it to a lot of people and got excellent responses. Holschlag said they sold very well and he'll probably want more for his next show. Skip Morris really liked it, as did Dennis Potter, who was VERY encouraging.


Jude was also gracious enough to make the Jude Bug available to new ISA sign ups. That was a generous gesture that was well received. I thought it made a very positive statement about what the ISA is all about.

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