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You're gonna die fishing. Have a nice day.


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There is a photo of a girl laying on a pier. When you're done looking at her, scroll down to the next photo.


Recognize anyone?






Congradulations! You are the first person to get past the chick on the pier!


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Those are beautiful Pike! I'd like to get me one of those! Do they fight hard? Ok, I'll stop now before I get in trouble. :P

Yes. Very nasty fight, as you probably saw by the video on there of John being surgucally repaired by yours truly in the lodge. We had 2 guys take 5/0 hooks thru the hand. I think there's another video on there of John having his muskie rod jacked under the boat all the way down to the reel. That was pretty common. Different from a muskie....If you can get thru the first 10 seconds of a muskie fight, you got her boated. With a 41-50" pike it aint like that. The fight doesn't even start til they see the boat. Then all hell breaks loose.

1,043 pike with an average size of 38"/16#. With the biggest ones coming in at 50". We probably missed another couple hundred. 5 guys averaging 1 pike every 13 minutes. It's an expensive trip (3 grand to be there. 1 grand to get there). But it's the best monster pike trip available until someone opens up Siberia to fishing (there's lakes in Siberia where 60"+ pike aren't a rarity). The trip will ruin ya. I've fished a grand total of about 1 hour since I got back about a month ago. It's hard to go from fighting dozens of pike a day that will crack a muskie rod in half (we bring 2-4 extra muskie rods per person and 2-4 extra Calcutta or Abu 6500 reels per person) to fishing here. It's just a different mindset to get back into.

If my wife and son would have wanted to move to Yellowknife I would have gotten my Ice Road Trucker license while I was there and stayed. :)


I'll be back in June of '09 where that 1,043 number is doubled and there's more pesky mid-high 20's walleyes than you care to catch (like dink smallies in front of a discharge :) ). Wanna go?

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Wanna go? Heck yes. Have the money? Heck no. Let's see, if I save a dollar a day...no wait, that's two life times...aarrgghh. Siberia, here I come!


I'll consider it my "lottery trip". That, and peacock bass fishing!


I know what you mean by being ruined by great fishing. I had a taste of that in Wisconsin earlier this year. I feel like my mojo is gone :(

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Wanna go? Heck yes. Have the money? Heck no. Let's see, if I save a dollar a day...no wait, that's two life times...aarrgghh. Siberia, here I come!


I'll consider it my "lottery trip". That, and peacock bass fishing!


I know what you mean by being ruined by great fishing. I had a taste of that in Wisconsin earlier this year. I feel like my mojo is gone :(




I have a friend who did this trip for a dozen years before he could pay for it outright. Here's how he did it. Get a credit card with a 4 grand limit. Buy the trip. Rip up the card and pay it off that year. Repeat as needed.

It's a pretty good system because there's not alot of guys who can actually save that kind of money without going out and blowing it at christmas buying the GI Joe with the Kung Fu Grip.

For me personally I don't want to spend XXXX in Ontario and then another 4 grand every year on Great Slave. I'd love to, but I find it hard to be away from family that long every single year. Heck..I don't even like going out fishing locally more than a couple hours a week now. Gotta draw the line. Family first. Fishing is a distant second.

But..all that being said, if you have the means to do it sometime DO IT. And do it with a group of guys who are seasoned veterans on that trip. Think about it...an average of 1 pike every 13 minutes. The average size is 16 pounds! The bigger ones hit 50" and 40pounds. It's something that Hemmingway himself would have wanted to do. Before ya die...do it. Somehow. Just do it.

I plan on going on a peacock trip one day too. We(CF) did a bunch of advertising work for Amazon Fishing Adventures and since then I've really wanted to go. Hey...when you are doing a layout with a few dozen huge peacock bass, it sorta gets to ya. Same reason I'm fishing Great Slave now.

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