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Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

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Just a snapshot of a few events in the near future to keep in mind.


Feel free to reply or PM if you are willing to lend a hand at any of these.


April 25- ISA Sign Postings


There will be an ISA sign posting effort on Sunday, April 25th at 8 a.m. We will meet along the West Branch of the DuPage River at Weigand Riverfront Park, 2448 S Washington St, Naperville. The ISA will supply catch and release signs to be posted along our local rivers. The number of volunteers will determine how many miles of river we can post and wether we can send a team or two to the Fox River.


May 15- Scout-O-Rama


Please plan to arrive at around 7 a.m. to help set up the ISA Booth and organize the fishing area.

The ISA will be hosting a booth and helping with the fishing program. Our friends at DRiFT and Sgt. Tommy's Kids are hosting booths and helping out as well.


"The event will take place on Saturday, May 15, 2010, at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, Illinois (30 miles west of Chicago). Scout O Rama celebrations only take place every 3 years and this year's event will draw in some 10,000 scouts and their parents from 11 districts in 3 counties in the Three Fires Council Area. We will have over 150 different vendors and booths filled with activities, displays, and hands on fun (including FISHING!) for all.

This IS open to the public, so bring the kids!


More Info: http://www.threefire...=209&Itemid=266


June 6- ISA Stream Sampling


Our efforts on this project will be part of a comprehensive film documentary of the river.


Our second ISA Stream Team sampling event will take place in the Kankakee River State Park on Sunday, June 6. We will be hosting local youth groups, citizens and members interested in learning more about the incredible biodiversity of this watershed.

The sampling process will include kick seining in Rock Creek, testing for water quality indicators and identification of insects collected.

Our Conservation Station tent will be set up on location for this event.

From 9-10 a.m. we will be accepting registrations and doing some light trash removal on the shoreline.

When the sampling work is concluded, we'll be grilling hot dogs and burgers for all involved.

We can use some help to set up and supervise on this project.


June 19- 3rd Annual Sgt. Tommy's Kids Fishing Day


Herrick Lake is the location.

Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8 a.m.


We will be assisting with the fishing and casting skills portion this year.


Hope to see lots of smiling faces to help us honor the families of those who serve!


June 26- Fox River Water Willow Plantings


Annual water willow planting event...time and location to be announced subject to river conditions


Please mark your calendars and make it a point to support your club and conservation this year as part of


"Volunteer 2010"



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A bunch of good work, spread out to provide multiple opportunities to come out & help.I'll be out for most of these but want to plug the planting (pun intended) because its a great chance to talk to IDNR fisheries biologist Bob Rung & you can fish afterwards to see the progress of earlier plantings.

Thanks for putting these together, Mike.

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Had to replace the audio on some of my YouTube videos, as they no longer allow any copyrighted tracks to be used.

We must use what they have on file, so I found an interesting one and plugged it in for an older video that relates to some of these events.


"With Arms Wide Open" by Creed is the new track.


A rather good fit!


The history here shows how we went from a signature ISA fishing event at Monee Reservoir with a couple dozen kids or so to mentoring literally thousands of kids every year.

Our event cost around $500 to produce every year, and the eventual kids day that we now co-sponsor is funded entirely by the Sgt. Tommy's Kids foundation to the tune of $12,000 for one day devoted to the families of those who serve.

That's IDNR Director Marc Miller you're looking at in the State Fair clips. He not only invited us to their tent for many years, but jumped right in and gave his own sweat equity each and every time.

This piece ends with our early participation at Northern Illinois Hunting and Fishing Days out in the open field.

We are now sponsoring the entire kids casting and fishing pond portion of an event that attracts 50,000 people over 2 days.



Hope you enjoy following along, especially if you have been along for the ride since day one.

If not, there's no better time to get on board than right now!


Be sure to favorite this thread ("Watch This Topic"), as there's more to come, especially with a conservation theme....


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