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Northwest Regional Meeting

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The Northwest Region will meet on Wednesday, January 13th at 7:00 at the Rockford Gander Mountain on Perryville Rd. I was unable to find an quality affordable speaker so we are having a social pizza party. A little comraderie among like minded anglers sharing stories and techniques. The Winnebago County Forest Preserve District has recently shown some interest in habitat improvement of the Kishwaukee within its parks, so come to the meeting armed with ideas for potential projects. They’ve asked for our input, so let’s give it to them. We will also schedule our 2010 outings. If you are 90% sure you can attend please RSVP me so I can order the right amount of food.


Paul Trybul


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I'm looking forward to it! I hope we get a few more people attending than the last few meetings. I'll bring an ISA hat or two to raffle off as well. If the B.S. is still flying when they kick us out of the store, I'll buy the first round at the nearest watering hole.

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Glad you're gonna make it, Terry! How about some more of you NW guys!? It looks like the Central guys are gonna have six or so at their meeting tonight. We can do better than that, can't we?

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CAN'T WE? I know you guys can't possibly have anything better to do on a Wednesday night. Gander Mountain is changing over their stock, so the new fishing stuff might be in. Plus pizza!

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