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ISA Joins No Child Left Inside Coalition

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The present state of conservation depends on the support of constituents.


It's no secret that the future of environmental stewardship is dependent on education.



In this regard, the ISA is proud to support the causes of the No Child Left Inside initiative.



About the No Child Left Inside Act

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has fundamentally changed the way that education is delivered in this country. It has defined the core content that all students in the United States must learn to be considered proficient at each grade level. As of 2007, this includes content standards in reading, math, and science. In many school districts, this has translated into teaching only those subjects and standards that are assessed.


If Congress adopts our proposals, a substantially strengthened NCLB will include:



  • Fundingt o train teachers to deliver high quality Environmental Education and utilize the local environment as an extension of the classroom.
  • Incentives for states to develop State Environmental Literacy Plans to insure that every student is prepared to understand the environmental challenges of the future.
  • Encouragement for teachers, administrators,and school systems to make time and resources available for environmental education for all students.
  • Environmental Education will be integrated across core subject areas.

Below is a summary of the amendments that will put NCLI in place:


*Please note that the following information is for the No Child Left Inside Act of 2008. Sponsors of this bill plan to reintroduce the legislation for the 2009 Congress and we will post the new information at that time.*



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