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Mark K

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I'm messing around with Zonkers. Anybody using/tying them. Color preferences? Belly material. I tied a few using mylar tubing and lead tape but I am going to mess around with rattles also.


Any pictures you can post?


Included in a post I did on April 8 was a pic of a zonker I've had success with.To see it access my old posts in the members section and go back to page 8.

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I'm messing around with Zonkers. Anybody using/tying them. Color preferences? Belly material. I tied a few using mylar tubing and lead tape but I am going to mess around with rattles also.


Any pictures you can post?




I used some larger Zonker flies and wasn't too crazy about fishing with them. Sorry I can't add any help about tying, etc. Ron did have some nice posts using them, and with Fall approaching, the need to slow down and fish deeper is imminent. I plan on experimenting with them a little more.

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  • 2 months later...



If you dont' want to use the tape, which gives the Zonkers alot of weight and sink rate, try applying a loop of lead wire from the tail to the head to create the body shape and place the tubing over that. Less weight and it allows you to adjust the shape of the belly section.


As for color combos, the belly is typically pearl or silver mylar braid with some patterns incorporating gold. The rabbit strip is typically black, olive or brown but you can use what ever you like. Don't forget about varigated strips. I'm sure Northerns would like them using red...




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Though I haven't tried it white is a popular streamer color and the preferred color in fall by some experienced flyfishermen


What didn't you like about it? It couldn't be the action as it's really seductive.It is more difficult to cast than some such as a clouser.

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The Zonkers I have are fairly heavy, and yes, I didn't like casting them. I haven't tried a lighter version yet.


In order to be able to cast at max distance and to easily handle more difficult flies like weighted streamers or bassbugs learning how to haul which is tugging on the line with your line hand as you make forward/backcasts is crucial.It will literally turbocharge your casting.

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