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A New ISA President!

Mike Clifford

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As it was stated in our last newsletter, Don Rego will be taking over as your President on September 1.

Don has been our Chicagoland Regional Director for several years, and has done a magnificent job in that capacity. His personal touch doesn't go unnoticed by many of our members, myself included. What often happens behind the scenes isn't readily known on the surface, but Don goes above and beyond the call of duty on so many projects, and the ISA is extremely fortunate to have his services no matter the capacity or title he holds.

He will continue to provide that volunteer effort to the ISA during his tenure as President, and we're greatly appreciative for that.


Our current President stepping down is of course Rich McElligott.

I'm especially excited that Rich has agreed to take the "Adopt-a-Stream" program under his wing and work diligently to see it through successfully.

Rich has provided a strong "conservation arm" to the organization for many years, and just goes about this business quietly and without much fanfare publicly. Many times, I have called Rich...only to find he is investigating a local stream or watershed with an IDNR employee to ascertain what needs to be done to protect, preserve or enhance it in a positive direction.

Let me be the first to say that Rich's work over the years has established and solidified relationships within the IDNR, IEPA and many other stalwarts, and these efforts are directly responsible for putting our group near the top of their lists when it comes time to move on an issue important to us all.


A shift in leadership among the hierarchy, but a very bright future for all of our members as we continue to learn and grow together as a team of nearly 500 dedicated and caring smallmouth bass enthusiasts.

Our voice is stronger than it has ever been in conservation and rule-making legislation thanks to a strong leadership and so many willing volunteers among our membership base. Without all of you, the rest would simply be talk and nothing more.

Strength in numbers from the ISA has been shown to make a difference in so many ways over the years, it's impossible to list them all here without missing a few dozen.


We continue to enjoy a late summer bite, with Indian Summer and Autumn just around the corner to offer some of the very best smallmouth fishing of the calendar year.


The online Calendar and "Let's Hook Up!" forum are for you to glean as much as you care to as a member of the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance.

The "Conservation and Volunteer Opportunities" forum is for members and the public at-large to read and react to help preserve, protect, educate and enhance....to the advantage of our preferred species and their habitat overall.


No matter which road you choose to travel, I'd like to say that I've never been more proud than I am today to be a part of it all, and sincerely hope you can find a little time to join us in our endeavors, if you haven't already.

It's an ongoing battle to meet the obligations our beloved smallmouth require, and you are the soldier in that battle.



If you see Rich, Don or any other officers online or in person, please be sure to personally thank them for their stupendous efforts over the years. Send a PM, email or simply shake a hand.

We can always use a little reinforcement and encouragement when the workload gets to be too much....the end result is why we keep doing it, and your support (whether great or small) is appreciated more than you know.


Pat yourselves on the back as well.

Thanks again to ALL of you for providing us with so much that we sometimes take for granted.

That next smallie on the line may have been a result of your efforts.


See you on the water, in the field and anywhere else smallmouth bass and their proliferation reign supreme.

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Congratulations to Don Rego on his appointment to President of the ISA. Myself being a friend of Don's for many years now I feel confident that he will be a great President and lead us into the next phase of our existence.

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Don I have only been a member since the begining of summer and have not had the pleasure to meet you. But if everything that I have read from the post are true I am sure that you will do a terrific job. Rich I also believe that you will do a great service in your new role and wish you the best of luck. I look forward to meeting both of you in the future and hope it will be on the river fishing.

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Step aside Obama and McCain. We've got Don Rego as our new leader!

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Rich, thank you for stepping up and taking the president job for the last 2 years. We all appreciate all the time and effort you put in.


Don, thank you for taking on the job. Many organizations fail due to a lack of talented people willing to take on the big jobs. We are very fortunate to have good people to step up when we need them.


Thanks again to you both!

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Well Don, now you need to do like McCain. Find a good looking, younger outdoorswoman as your VP.

You haven't seen his girlfriend, have you? ;)


All I can do is echo the sentiments that have already been stated. Rich has done a fantastic job the last couple years, and Don is an excellent choice to follow in his footsteps. The ISA keeps growing and that's due to the leadership at all levels, from the officers to all of the members that volunteer in whatever way you can!

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