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What Stream Will You Adopt?

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As the ISA Adopt-a-Stream Program (details: http://illinoissmallmouthalliance.net/html/adoptastream.html ) starts to gain momentum, one of the first questions I have been faced with is this:

Which streams, and which sections of those streams is the ISA membership willing to adopt?




I can't answer that question for our 500+ members.

It's up to you.


The only caveat is that the Kankakee River currently has an Adopt-a-River program, and the ISA participates in it each and every year.


You will most definitely find similar isolated cases where streams or sections of stream are "adopted" for similar purposes.

The intent of the ISA program is to fill in the gaps where people are not currently doing stream clean-ups, water quality monitoring and promoting a conservation ethic among stakeholders.


With that in mind-

Where are you willing to devote one day a year to picking up trash and dipping for a water quality test?


Let's have it, gang.

You responses will eventually determine where we show everybody else our intent and the ISA conservation ethic setting an example for the state and eventually the nation.


It all starts right here.......with you.

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Shoot ,I already do a whole lot more than one day a year on my favorite flow. My son has already given up 2 days last month to cleanup instead of fishing.


Some might say, well you fish 200 plus days a year, so you won't miss the time away. I believe that one of the reasons I have been blessed with the circumstances that allow me to do that, is because I do give back the time.


The best gift you can give to the river gods is your time as when you stop to think about it, that is the most precious commodity in the world.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I'd like to see more specific stretches of stream that our members are willing to adopt.

Your input is welcome in determining these specific areas.


So far we have some areas of the DuPage mentioned here.

Surely, you have more watersheds in mind?


I'm putting together some mapping software to help us determine specifics, but in the meantime I need more of your opinions.


We have Fox River anglers, Apple River, Vermilion....??


This program is going to be HUGE, so now is the time to chime in before sponsors are acquired for these conservation activities en masse.

I'd like to see our members choose which watersheds are most important to them early in the process.

Bounce your ideas off me right here, and we'll discuss.

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After thinking about this topic for a little while now and then reading the above-listed link I have a couple questions . 1) Should we not adopt any parts of the Kank? 2) Are the rivers broken down into sections? 3) Would it be beneficial for ISA members to join up in adopting a certain stretch of river? 4) Many of us already do what amounts to several clean-ups a year since we bring garbage bags with us most times out. Do you want us to formally adopt the stretch of river? I realize that a little of this is P.R. and since we already doing it, a little recognition to the ISA would be a positive. The only additional work would be a water test a year.


With all that being said, you can put me down for the Dupage River anywhere around Plainfield or Shorewood. Thanks. Paul


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There are river maps put out by IDNR, I believe, that break the rivers down by the mile. One mile of river for each sponsor/group sounds like a good idea. Of course we won't stop anyone from sponsoring ten miles of river,either.


**I'll take the stretch of the Fox river from the Carpentersville dam down to Rt.72.**

That's about a mile's worth of river. If it turns out to be two miles, then I'll take two.

I would like to sponsor my part of the river on behalf of my family.

Send me a package as soon as they come in, Mike. I'll get to it right away.


I've got an idea about finding potential sponsors. I was going to send this in a PM, but I'd like everyone else to chime in, too.

I'm going to contact the Northern Kane Co. Chamber of Commerce and comprise a list of businesses and organizations.

I think getting local townships involved will be a big help. Getting kids into it is another important thing.

Maybe talking to schools and suggesting a rewards/field trip program where the kids who participate would get a day off school for a clean-up/fishing day and some extra credit.


I've heard that there is a small group of ISA members who do most of the work on the conservation side. And I know there are others who would like to help, but honestly don't have the time. Believe me, I know it's hard to fit in everything we want to do into our lives. The most important things take top priority. I can only give a small amount of my time to this effort. Somthing is better than nothing. So if you have an idea that you think might be helpful, share it. Or if you know someone with connections. Let us know. That alone is a great help.


In the very near future, I'll be working to get people to contribute to and participate in the Adopt-A-Stream program. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Some of you may be able to help me get my foot in the door. You may know someone and be in a position to put in a good word. Think your church might want to help? YMCA's, Boys Clubs, Cub Scouts, Fraternal orders etc.


Mike you got the gears turning in my head, now.


I like what Norm said: "The best gift you can give to the river gods is your time as when you stop to think about it, that is the most precious commodity in the world."

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Gears turning is what makes this such a special project with great potential.

I can't emphasize how grateful I am that John decided to step into the ring and accept this challenge.

The unique nature of this project requires many more like him to get it to the finish line.


If this is you, and you think you have a couple hours a week to devote to this program, please step forward.

We need you.

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I too was thinking about students. I run a couple clubs at school and actually I am going to be the bass coach if we decide to start a bass fishing team. The ISHA is beginning a yearly bass tournament and our school might field a team. Naturally, I figured to take the kids for a clean-up a couple times a year on whatever stretch of water I take. We'll see what develops. Good fishing.

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  • 3 months later...
Hi Mike,


I can adopt Hickory Creek (New Lenox area).


Mark O'Donnell

Now there is a small creek that has endured some serious pounding due to angling pressure the last few years, according to some buddies that have been fishing it for a couple decades.

Not sure if there is a HC watershed group, but we'll find out and get some water quality monitoring events set-up.

Thanks for stepping up, Mark.

I'll be in touch soon.

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