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Jonn Graham Presentation

Dan Draz

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My son Quinn and I are members of the Riverside Fishing Club and ISA's very own, Jonn Graham was the featured speaker this evening. He was introduced as the "Guru of Illinois Smallmouth Bass Fishing" and that to me was quite an honor and nice tribute to a quality member of our organization. I know some people came just to hear him speak. I took two pages full of notes and if you have not had the pleasure of hearing Jonn speak, not only is he entertaining but he provides real information on how to be successful smallie fishing. A lot of people asked questions and he had great answers and quite the line of people wanting to purchase swim jigs from him afterwards.


I recently bought a bunch from him and he dropped them off to me tonight. Great baits made by a guy who knows what he is doing and what works. He also puts some real craftsmanship into these and has custom colors you can request from him. It is evident what he wants the quality of his products to be. My son even talked me in to buying a couple dozen MORE he liked them so much. Imagine a 10 year old telling Jonn Graham what he wants in a swim jig and Jonn saying "I'll make them for you it will be fun!" I have no idea if they catch fish, but I am going to find out once the flood waters receed. But knowing Jonn, and from what I've heard from everyone else they sure do otherwise he wouldn't either be using them or making them!!


Anyway, for those of you that have never heard him speak, if you get a chance... do it. Well worth your time. Then ring him up and buy some of his swim jigs. The quality is way better than what you'll find in the store.



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I think he is going to be an artist... he loves to draw and I think that is the genesis for the multi color swim jigs he asked you for, as he seems to have an eye for color. Hey, it wouldn't be the first time someone combined one skill with another and did something unusual.

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