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ISA Adopt-A-Stream Program

Mike Clifford

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Here is what I've been working on for the last month and would like to share with you.


The ISA Adopt-A-Stream Program is a new development designed to empower not only our own members, but citizens and organizations statewide to take a keen interest in the quality of our natural resources.


Fostering a conservation ethic in our generation, as well as generations that follow is not just a good idea...it is essential in today's world of budget cuts and staff reductions.


An Executive Summary can be downloaded from the following link:




Essentially, an organization or corporation will "Adopt" a segment of river or stream in IL and make a commitment to conduct one clean-up and one water quality monitoring event each year.


The ISA will provide the monitoring kits in conjunction with World Water Monitoring Day.



Watch a video of the monitoring process from the following page:



The ISA will also provide signage honoring specific sponsors on specific stream segments.

An example (not the actual signs):



As well, we will encourage and incorporate Photo Monitoring.

What this will accomplish is the ability to establish a database of trouble areas that could potentially help the DNR and ISA in determining where attention and monies should be directed (eroding banks, etc).


A monitoring workshop will be required of all participating organizations, potentially with the help of AmeriCorps volunteers.


Community events and major sponsorships are anticipated, so the process requires careful thought and innovative strategies if it is to be successful.


The sky is the limit, as this is an extremely ambitious project that is currently in the early planning stages.


What I'd like to do at this point is establish a Stream Team Committee to help plan and bring this program along.

Please PM or email if this is you.

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Mike ,


The NIAA already has an Adopt A River program going on the Kankakee River. The ISA was a part of it at one time and the signs are still up identifying the ISA's stretch.


This could lead to confusion and duplication of effort on the Kankakee River.

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Mike ,


The NIAA already has an Adopt A River program going on the Kankakee River. The ISA was a part of it at one time and the signs are still up identifying the ISA's stretch.


This could lead to confusion and duplication of effort on the Kankakee River.

We still are a part of that particular program, and on that particular river we'll be working on some things together.

I spoke at length with J.R. Black last week.


We aren't eating anyone's lunch with this, what we are doing is establishing a statewide program, where currently there is none.

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Cool, Mike.


I just hate to see precious conservation money get used where it's already being used.

I've never wasted a single conservation dime in my life.

I'm not about to start now.

Research is my middle name, so all of the right pieces will be in place when this rolls out the door, that I can assure you.


Rest easy, Norm.

When it's at a sufficient working level, it will be the biggest conservation initiative to come along in decades, and the most far-reaching this state has ever seen.


This photo is from the program you spoke of on the Kankakee.

It is from the last event the NIAA conducted.

We gratefully accepted their hot dogs as well.



This is the sort of thing that will be occurring on every river and stream in the state.

Are you still with me?


As for the formation of this Committee.......


Who's ready to make history?

Let me know, and you are onboard.

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