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Too few Member Patterns

Mark K

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Check out www.flyfishohio.com. This site is Joe Cornwall's site, past TOSA VP and newsletter editor.


Joe is a warmwater fly angler & writer with a special love for the smallmouth bass



Maybe there is something there to add to your tying program.


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Check out www.flyfishohio.com. This site is Joe Cornwall's site, past TOSA VP and newsletter editor.


Joe is a warmwater fly angler & writer with a special love for the smallmouth bass



Maybe there is something there to add to your tying program.


Very Cool. Thanks.



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Guest rich mc

also look at granite bay , www.gbflycasters.org go to the fly tyers corner for archives of flies. i like the super minnow very similar to the sparkle minnow we tyed last month. rich

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Let's see some more patterns!




This site is a little different about posting fishing spots as you know. Most want to keep such information to themselves or a small group of members; and, therefore, they avoid putting it in these forums where anyone can get to it. Some of this approach seems to rub off on the publication of fly patterns. Unique ISA Member creations may not appear here though, like Michael T's Zonker Bouncer, they wind up in the Bronzeback Bulletin. That is a fair compromise between telling all to everyone and telling nothing to anyone.


However, where other sites have set out patterns for all to view, that is different. Georgia River Smallmouth fishing, where Craig Reindieu appars often, has a nice and growing collection of links on there fly forum.




The Hairy Fodder is there along with traditional and innovative bugs like the Stealth Bomber.


Enjoy, one and all!

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Guest One More Cast
Most want to keep such information to themselves or a small group of members;



Mike, your post is just a bit off.


I have found the opposite to be true. There are some pretty good tyers who are more than willing to share their patterns and do so freely. The Flies of the ISA event is a great example and as soon as John L gets this scheduled, I'm sure the date and details of the event will appear on this Board.


Other groups tend to have just as many tyers but more pohotographers than the ISA. The Baby Smallmouth pattern that Warmwater Legend Bob Davenport tied was a winner but there were no photographers here to record it. Same with Kelly Galloup's T & A pattern, no photograpers.


A few more digital cameras might appear under the tree ( for those who have been nice......Hmmmmm this might be the problem B) ) in three weeks or so and then you'll see more patterns here.





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Mike, Your conclusions are wrong. We routinely share patterns and reports amongst the bassbuggers. Reports should be under region fishing reports but are not restricted from the bassbugger forum. Joseph hit the nail on the head about pics from tying, I'm working on it and hope to have better reporting soon. I don't want to leave anyone with the impression that there is an inner circle or some unwritten rule about what is shared on any of these forums. That notion is inaccurate and NOT policy so please do not speculate or represent your opinion unless qulified as such. I try very hard in all facets of ISA activity to ENCOURAGE participation and rumblings about "the way things are " on these sites has the opposite effect. Hope to see you at the next outing or meeting. John

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Yes, Joseph nailed it. I have owned a digital camera for two or three years now. Have I bothered to learn how to use it? Nope. Every year I say I'm going to face my fear and learn to use the dang thing. Maybe this winter. What can I say?...I'm a caveman.

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I'm trying to gauge interest in a Flies of the ISA forum for member creations and Tutorials only.

Photos would not only be welcomed, but strongly encouraged.


A feed from this forum would be converted to a static HTML page here that would show the Last X number of topics from the forum, with photos displayed and a link to the full thread in that forum.


If you guys have the desire to showcase your stuff- I can do anything you like with it.

I have many years experience in RSS technologies.

Only limited by your imagination.

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Guest One More Cast


However, where other sites have set out patterns for all to view, that is different.



Mike G, you have a digital camera and you tie flies.


Why don't you photograph and post some of your flies? Here's your chance to be a part of the solution rather than part of the probelm.




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Ok, I'll play along. These three Clousers are what I toss probably 50% of the time. A sculpin or crayfish (whatever you think) brown over orange. I personally on my home waters find this the least effective but I have friends that find it their most effective in many other places. Next is what I call "baby smallmouth" mixed olive and yellow over white. It very closely matches the coloration of our smallies. And finally my creek chub or shiner, grey over white. Does anyone have color combinations they really like as I would love to hear about them, but please don't tell me chartreuse over white?







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Steve, does that look better? I really need to hone my photography skills and find a happy medium on file size. Can someone tell me why when I click on a photo I submit in a thread, that I'm taken to the home page of ISA and can not blow up the photo as desired?

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rob, those are some pretty beefy hooks. what size and brand# rich


Rich, I've use various hooks over the years for Clousers and you will find many suggestions from even Bob himself but these were tied on Mustad Signature sz #4 C52S BLN. I like them because of the straight eye, silver, 2X long and a nice gap size. Most of the time they are fairly sharp out of the box but like most Mustads, I find myself touching them up with a file before they ever see the water.

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Guest One More Cast

They are awesome hooks. We used these hooks for the front half of the T & A but in a 1/0.


Oddly, the C52S BLN 1/0 is very near a TMC 8089NP size 6....same gape but a click longer.




....nice Clousers BTW

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Joseph, you're definitely right in that these size 4's are similar to a lot of size 6 hooks I've used in the past. A lot of people will use a Mustad 3366 because Mustad doesn't price them as a fly tying hook and they have to be the least expensive decent hook on the planet. Bob told me he often used these as well since he didn't mind throwing them up in a log pile and losing one, but I notice on his youtube video that he used something else.

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Mustad 3366


I really like those hooks. They are standard length, so sometimes they're a bit short for streamers (not enough body length on the lure), but they work great for bucktails and other applications. The #2 is pretty similar to the #6 TMC 8089 if I'm remembering right. I actually use the mustad popper hooks for my clousers. I put the dumbell in the first bend.




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The clousers look nice but... In interest to show better detail (in effort to see materials, layering and thread wraps) would it not be better to only use one of each color fly in the photo and the flies to fill the view finder such as with a macro lense to get a clear, close and crisp picture? It may not win photo of the year but the ability to see details for tying purposes would be greatly enhanced. Just a though.

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