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Attend March Hearing on the Middle Fork!
Riverbank Stabilization and Water Quality Certification
Click to Write a Letter to Governor Pritzker

Dynegy Midwest Generation has applied for Section 401 Water Quality Certification for impacts associated with their massive riverbank stabilization project on the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River.  This includes placing over 22,000 cubic yards of rip-rap and other fill along 2,000 linear feet of the right descending bank of the Middle Fork.  Fill would extend over 30 feet into the river channel. Construction would involve digging up to 8 feet of riverbed and excavating into riverbanks contaminated with coal ash chemicals, potentially sending contaminated sediments downstream.  The river would either be closed to paddlers during 6 months or more of construction or paddlers would be required to portage over 1/3 mile around the construction site.

This massive project will harm the river.  Dynegy's project will forever leave a visual scar on the otherwise natural river corridor, degrade water quality, and have devastating economic consequences for the operator of the canoe and kayak livery in Kickapoo State Park.  

Click the link below to learn more about the hearing.....




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yes this is a messy situation and the fix seems a disaster as well.  as for as the economic situation for the outfitter, the survival and welfare of the river is more important.  the several outfitters on the river have also been responsible for wanton destruction of habitat along the river, altering the river bed, pollution and lots of trash and garbage.  the outfitter is an ongoing private concern the river is suppose to be a pristine, national scenic river.  timothy  

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